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Serving Your Hospital

Compassionate RNs that Improve Your Institution's Level of Care

Nurse training. In these busy days, stud
Extension of Your Healthcare Facility 

Complementing Patient Care

Nurses Touch Therapy seeks to work alongside your healthcare team by providing patients with one-on-one focused care at the bedside that complements the care your staff provides.


Our Registered Nurse Therapists are able to provide 30-45 minute touch therapy sessions to your in-hospital patients. By providing wholistic care that uses physical, emotional, and psychological therapeutic methods, our Registered Nurse Therapists are able to focus their attention and time on the patient without any other distractions. They are present and in-the-moment with the patient, creating a warm, compassionate and caring experience for the patient that allows the patient to feel comforted in a time of vulnerability. 

Guaranteed Increase In HCAHPS Star Rating

Catalyst for Positive and Profitable Change

The Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) is a patient satisfaction survey required by the Centers for Medicine and Medicaid Services (CMS) for all hospitals in the United States. Nurses Touch Therapy has a proven track record of directly impacting a hospital's HCAHPS star rating by improving patient scores.

Utilizing our unique methods, our Registered Nurse Therapists deliver positive change within a hospital's service environment. Working one-on-one with patients during touch therapy sessions, our Registered Nurse Therapists create an atmosphere of trust, care, and compassion. In addition to receiving touch therapy, in this setting the patient knows that they are being listened to, that they are the focus of treatment, that their thoughts and feelings matter, and that their questions are being addressed, thus allowing the patient to feel complete alleviation from stress and anxiety. The patient ultimately feels completely cared for, relaxed, and comforted in a time when they are most vulnerable.

As a result of receiving touch therapy from us, patients respond to hospital surveys with higher satisfaction scores, thus improving the hospital's HCAHPS star rating.


The HCAHPS survey and its results serve a critical role in classifying the quality of care patients receive from hospitals, thus, the results of the survey are extremely important. This survey represents the voice of the patient and provides insight into the patient’s perception of the care that is provided by the hospital. Since the results of the survey are publicly reported, they have a direct correlation that impacts a healthcare organization’s public reputation. Additionally, the U.S. Federal, State and Local governments provide direct financial reimbursement based on HCAHPS results, thus, excellent survey performance maintains the hospital financially strong.

Lastly, strong HCAHPS scores attract more medical professionals to work with a healthcare organization. This, in turn, causes medical professionals to treat their patients at the hospital increasing a hospital's patient census.

INOVA Fairfax Hospital conducted a clinical research study in 2006 on open heart patients that were using NTT therapy. The results of the study indicated a decrease in pain, anxiety, blood pressure and pulse. Additionally, the INOVA study noted a decrease in call-bell use by the patients and resulted in 98% patient satisfaction.

How We Work 

Nurses Touch Therapy In Your Hospital

Pilot Study

Give Nurses Touch Therapy a Try

Nurses Touch Therapy welcomes the opportunity to conduct a pilot study within your healthcare organization, allowing you to see first-hand what we do, how we do it, and how we effect positive change. 

We will work with you to establish Nurses Touch Therapy within your healthcare organization to conduct a pilot study, working with your administrative team and hospital professionals to follow hospital guidelines and policies. 

If you are interested in setting up a pilot study, please contact us to learn more.

Nurses Touch Therapy

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